
Saturday, May 7, 2011


Tidak mengambil sarapan bukan idea yang bagus.Ini kerana sarapan penting untuk memulakan hari anda. Badan anda memerlukan bahan bakar secepat mungkin, jika tidak anda akan berasa lemah.Jadi, jangan biarkan diri anda berlapar hingga ke tengah hari.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The solid rock.

        A long time ago, there was a poor couple who live in a small village. The couple did not have much but they own a piece of land on which they planted paddy. The couple was very hardworking. Despite the amount of work in the field, they never complained about the hardwork. Instead, they perserved to overcome all their difficulties.
     All year round they work on their land. At the start of the rainy season, they had to make sure that there was enough water in the field. As their paddy began to ripen, they had to chase away the hungry birds which constantly flew around the area. When the paddy was ready to be harvested, the couple work extra hard.
     Because of their dilligence, the couple was admire and respected by the villagers. Although the villagers were happ for them in many ways, they were sad because the couple was childless. While the villagers accepted the couple situation, the couple was not disheartened because they no that one day their prayers would be answered so live when on as usual for them. A few yers later, the couple was indeed blessed with a son. The couple doted on their son. They love him very much.
To be continued......

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Percaya atau tidak sistem penghadaman arnab adalah unik.Ia akan berehat dalam lubang tanah selepas makan dan kemudian mengeluarkan najis lembut yang terjadi daripada makanan yang separa hadam. Arnab akan makan najis tersebut untuk mendapat khasiatnya.Kemudian ia akan mengeluarkan najis berbiji-biji keras di luar lubang tanah.